Dover-Foxcroft, Maine


The Town of Dover-Foxcroft Employment and Volunteer Opportunities

Click here for employment application:  DF Job App 

Town of Dover-Foxcroft

Job Openings  


Town Manager - For Job Posting Click Here


Seasonal Maintenance Attendant- Cemeteries and Facilities 

The Town of Dover-Foxcroft is accepting job applications for the position of maintenance attendant for town cemeteries and facilities.  This is a part time seasonal position that requires the employee to be able to cut grass and perform as a general laborer for maintenance work.  The position requires that the candidate can lift 50 lbs.  Employment applications are available at the Dover-Foxcroft town office, 48 Morton Ave., Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 or online at under the heading “Employment and Volunteer Opportunities”.  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

The Town of Dover-Foxcroft is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Solid Waste/Recycling Attendant/Laborer

Part time (32 hours per week) of Solid Waste/Recycling Attendant/Laborer.  Duties include assisting citizens in dropping off solid waste/recyclables, sorting, bailing, fork lift operation (training provided), and cleaning the drop off center and other unmanned recycling sites.  This position is performed in all weather conditions, has direct interaction with the public, and involves manual labor where you must be able to lift up to 30lbs frequently throughout the day.  Working cooperatively, efficiently, and effectively with co-workers and the public is a must.  A valid driver’s license is required.  Benefits include paid vacations, holidays, sick time, and income protection is also available.  Hours will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-5 and Saturday 8 - 4.  Applications are available at the Town Office, SW/Recycling Center, or on our website -  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please send applications to:  Ken Healey, SW Director, Town of Dover-Foxcroft, 48 Morton Avenue, Suite A., Dover-Foxcroft Maine 04426 or hand delivered to the Town Office or SW/Recycling Center. 

The Town of Dover-Foxcroft is an Equal Opportunity Employer



If you are interested in volunteering on a Town of Dover-Foxcroft board or committee, please complete a Statement of Interest form and email to:, bring it to the town office or send by mail: 

Jack Clukey, Town Manager

Town of Dover-Foxcroft

48 Morton Ave Suite A

Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 

The Town appreciates all of the volunteers that make this community a great place to live and work.